*NOTE: Baran has returned to Futures for Standardbreds for further lameness evaluation. We will update this page with more info as soon as it becomes available.

Baron is a 16-year old, 15 hh Standardbred gelding who comes to us through a new partnership with Futures for Standardbreds. We are thrilled to begin working with this wonderful organization, which is also located right here in Maine. Baron is a true war horse, who raced until the age of 14 and was fortunate to have had the past two years turned out before joining FFS. He is with us to be started under saddle and to learn the basics of being a riding horse.

Thus far, Baron has proven to be a sweet, more introverted personality who appreciates a quiet, steady approach to training. He stands quietly for grooming, bathing and the farrier, and self loads in the trailer. Baron has done well in turnout with various geldings, and tends to get along well with everyone. He is a quick learner who now has a solid foundation of groundwork, roundpen work and lunging. We’ve taken our time saddling and sitting on him as initially he could be defensive about being touched. In helping him to realize that touch can be a good thing, Baron has become more relaxed and happier to have us around. He accepted the saddle with ease, and is progressing well with his under saddle training. Baron is currently being ridden at the walk and trot in the arena, and has just started gaining confidence out on the trails.