“When I hear somebody talk about a horse or cow being stupid,
I figure it’s a sure sign that the animal has outfoxed them.”
–Tom Dorrance
Miniature Donkey
Eddie was a last-minute arrival as the livestock auction started. Standing precariously on overgrown, curling hooves, he stood tensely between two large pony mares bent on biting or kicking him if he so much as rolled an eyeball their way. Home from the sale, Eddie has proved to love the attention he clearly never received at his former home. Eddie is invariably calm-natured, and enjoys leaning a shoulder on his newfound human friends here at Horses With Hope. Although initial evaluation seems to say he has not had an extensive amount of handling, his willing, happy-go-lucky personality will clearly serve him well as he joins his new family in Appleton.
Update: Eddie is doing extremely well with his new family. He and his horse friend, Skippy, have become fast friends. We are told that Skippy sleeps right outside of Eddie’s stall every night and that whenever Eddie brays, Skippy nickers to him. It is a match made in horse and donkey heaven. Congratulations to Eddie and the Burr family!