Forrest is an 8-year old, 15.1 hand Standardbred gelding who is with us for further training from NEER North. Forrest is a healthy and level-headed former harness racer, only 6 months off the track, who has been already started under saddle. While he has previously had some great exposure including the beach and hunt, Forrest is still quite green as a riding horse and is here for more training and milage. We look forward to learning more about Forrest as we begin working with him in hand and under saddle.

As we began to work with Forrest, it became very clear that he was stiff throughout his body, and had trouble bending and moving forward. After some body work, we dived into groundwork, in order to help him to understand how to move the different parts of his body correctly. As harness racers, Standardbreds mostly track straight in between the shafts of their cart, so lateral softness can be very different and difficult for them. As we continued with ground work and obstacle work, Forrest became more confident and understanding. Once we felt comfortable with his progress, we decided to slowly reintroduce him to being ridden. At first he was very sticky and did not want to move forward off the leg. However, after a lot of time and patience he is now confidently riding at the walk and trot in the arenas, and is becoming much more soft and forward. We have also started to take him on short walks out of the arena, with a friend for support, and he really seems to enjoy the outdoors. We look forward to continuing to build Forrest’s confidence in the arenas and on the trails. Though still green, this personable gelding is very athletic and we are having a lot of fun working with him! We can’t wait to get him on the trails shortly. Keep checking back to see more of his progress!
UPDATE: On September 1st of 2020, Forrest hopped on the trailer and headed off to his new home. He will be continuing with his education in the ring and gaining further trail miles with his new mom, Sue. We are thrilled that Forrest landed such an experienced and loving home, and are excited to see what he and Sue will end up enjoying together. Congratulations!