A Pony’s Prayer
“I pray that gentle hands may guide my feet;
I ask for kind commands from voices sweet;
At night a stable warm with scented hay,
Where, safe from harm, I’ll sleep ‘til day.”
Miniature Mare
Grace and her two companions, Hope and Faith, were rescued from Camelot auction in 2011. Grace was an obvious example of neglect. Her little hooves were so long that she could barely walk. Despite her debilitating injuries, founder, arthritis and neglect, this beautiful mare held herself with aloof dignity, much like a queen. After some much needed kindness her heartbreaking past is out shined by her spunk and sass. Although she walks with a limp, not even lameness can slow this old girl down. When she’s not showing her friends whose boss in the field, she’s happily munching hay and nickering for attention. At present, our “little buffalo” is a life-long resident on the farm, and the matriarch of the miniature herd.
UPDATE: On Tuesday August 5, 2014 we arrived to the farm to find that Grace had passed away during the night. It appears that she just laid down, as there were no signs of any sort of struggle or illness. We are all grateful that she passed in such a peaceful manner, but will greatly miss her early morning nickers, and her ever present sense of humor. Rest in peace little Gracie.