Lass joins our program from the Animal Rescue League of Boston. She is a very petite Connemara mare, 12.3 hands, and is about 7 or 8 years old. She arrived at the rescue earlier this spring along with two other horses. At the time, Lass was unhandled and in a malnourished and neglected condition. Within the past two months, trainers at the Animal Rescue League were able to wean Lass, begin her habituation to people, and have her seen by the vet and farrier. They also began basic handling skills such as leading, catching, and grooming.
We are excited to welcome Lass, and look forward to continuing her education. Due to her young age, and the fact that she still needs to grow and gain weight, we will be taking it very slowly with her training. Our immediate focus will be on helping Lass to relax and learn groundwork basics, so that she can feel good about being in a new place with new people.
UPDATE: Lass has been adopted! This sweet girl really blossomed with continued training, and found her very own loving family in western Maine. Lass will keep busy learning how to drive and eventually pull a little cart, along with continued liberty work and providing companionship to her new horsey friends. We are thrilled for Lass and her amazing new mom, Dawn, and wish them all the very best together! Congratulations!!