“The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” –Arabian Proverb
2005 Morgan Gelding
Ozzy’s good looks and kind eye caught our trainer’s attention at the New Holland auction, and he arrived at the farm with Luna in May 2013. Ozzy was consigned by a dealer who had only owned him a few weeks, and had no information to impart on his history. Therefore, we started training from the ground up, to address any previous issues. Ozzy’s training has primarily focused on helping him to relax and enjoy his rides by building his trust and confidence.
Ozzy has three lovely gaits and has done cavaletti and small jumps. He rides in either English or Western tack and has done a variety of things with us, including a horsemanship clinic and learning to ‘move’ cows. He has a lot of experience with groundwork and obstacles, and lunges well. Although Ozzy has hacked out and taken trips off property to the beach and local parks, at this point he does best with the familiarity of regular ringwork. He gets along well with other horses and enjoys attention. Ozzy is a sweet little guy with a lot of potential, and we think he will thrive with an experienced rider who can continue his training.
Update: On Friday, May 7, 2015 we took great pride in announcing Ozzy’s placement in a wonderful forever home with his human soul mate right here in Maine. This very special boy has finally met his match and we could not be happier for both of them! Congratulations to Ozzy for so easily winning the hearts of his new family and new life, may you build many more special memories together.