“All horses deserve, at least once in their lives,
to be loved by a little girl”
Spanish Mustang Mare
Winny excelled through our training program here at Horses with Hope with very few setbacks. She was always a pleasure to be around and always seemed to strive to do her best. Winny loved the trail and trail obstacles and because of that was able to go on many field trips. Winny enjoyed trail rides at the beach, Acadia National Park, and the Green Mountain Horse Association while she was with us. She was part of many of our farm fun days which involved activities that ranged anywhere from Dressage tests to cross country races. Winny also had a sense of humor and after many of these events could be found bathing in her freshly cleaned water tub or splashing in the farm pond. Upon first meeting Winny most people were quickly taken aback when she pointed her hind end towards them and quickly backed up. They would only relax when we explained that she was just looking for a friendly rump scratch.
We all love Winny very much and enjoyed our time with her but when her “soulmate” turned up in the form of a tenacious 4 year old girl we could not be happier to see her continue on her journey. Today she and Winny are experiencing that relationship that every little girl wants to have with a horse. They trust each other completely and can often times be found going over, under, or through obstacles that most expert horsemen would have trouble getting their own horses to accomplish. This says a lot about Winny because as far as we know Winny had no experiences with a child before this one came along. We wish nothing but happy trails for them now and for their undoubtedly long future together.