Stable News: We are gearing up for a potential Hurricane/Tropical Storm this weekend, that could make landfall right here in Maine. At times like this our number one concern is keeping all of our humans and horses safe. We are already planning and prepping for all of our horses to be safe in their stalls Friday night until Sunday morning, this will keep the horses out of the wind and rain and will keep our staff out of the severe weather as well. When our horses are in stalls they have free choice hay, plenty of water, and clean, well bedded stalls. Fortunately, we have standby generators that keep our water running even through power outages, but anyone without a generator should plan to have extra water stored in case of long term power loss. The best way to prevent illness, injury, and stress in our horses during a major weather event is to plan ahead and be prepared. Good luck out there!

Training Tip of the Week: Is your horse ready to learn? We had the privilege to work with an amazing horsewoman last week, Debbie Bowerman-Davies. Debbie strives to teach thorough understanding of the horse’s physical and emotional well-being, in order to reach true relaxation and harmony between horse and human. One thing that really stuck out to us during our time together, was the realization that a horse can only truly learn something if it is in the right place both emotionally and physically. If a horse is anxious or physically uncomfortable it is unable to absorb anything we are trying to teach, because he is likely in “fight or flight” mode. The horse must be relaxed in order to learn effectively and that can only be accomplished by building a pattern of trust with that horse and helping the horse be as physically comfortable as possible.

Rescue Horse Spotlight: We are excited to announce 2 new trainees to our program from Bagaduce River Equine Rescue, right here in Maine. Paris, is a 17 year old QH cross mare, who is ready to be started under saddle. Dory is a 20 year old Hackney pony mare who is full of energy and is as sweet as can be.