Stable News: The weather here in New England in the last month has given us some crazy extremes. Between large fluctuations in temperature, high winds, heavy rains, and snow accumulation, we have had to deal with flooding, downed trees, icy conditions, and power outages at an unheard of rate. This time of year it is especially important for horse owners to keep track of the weather and prepare for the worst, when storms are headed your way. Make sure your horses have a safe and secure place to be during dangerous conditions, and that you are prepared for prolonged power outages with a supply of fresh water, and plenty of hay. Keep an extra close eye on your horses before and after extreme weather changes, as it is common for colic and other ailments to arise at these times.

Training Tip of the Month: If you have a horse that is especially pushy at feeding time, consider target training them. We use a “target’ to help teach horses that can be overbearing about food, to go to a certain spot and wait while we bring their food to them. The important part of this is that you are bringing the food to your horse and that they do not get their food until they are safely in their designated spot. There are many methods of target training and we encourage you to research them and decide what will work best for you and your horse.

Rescue Horse Spotlight: We said goodbye to Robin and Jet last month, as they left for their new homes, and welcomed Tales and World to our training program!